Every employee of Hillsdale College plays a vital role in the furtherance of Hillsdale’s mission as we work together in a collegial environment, striving to preserve and pursue the Good.
The Founding Mission is the source and purpose of every employee position. Service to that Mission is our chief responsibility.
Honesty, clear communication, and consideration underwrite all our work and relationships with staff, faculty, and students.
Genuine helpfulness and good cheer are the ordinary and inspiriting manner of our conduct.
We work with each other, not just beside each other. As we share a common responsibility, we are partners in our Mission.
We take initiative and advance the goals of the College.
Because our work matters, we work carefully and vigorously. We are good stewards of both natural and human resources. We are responsible for our labor, conduct, attitudes, and manners.
By our words and deeds, we all work together to pass on the principles of the College’s Christian faith and intellectual and moral heritage.